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WOW Play Learn Move Relax

Winter classes run from January 8th to March 29th, 2024

Drop-ins are available through our "Happenings" tab

Simple Math

18 months - 4 years old

Help your children develop early math skills though play ! Whether it is through counting steps, singing songs or adding and subtracting their toys, your little ones will learn their numerals, build an understanding of size, shape and quantities as well as learn to match numbers with sets of objects. It’s time to make math fun again!

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Young Explorers

WowMoms | 3-7 years old

Details: Time: 3:30-6:30pm | Age: 3-7 years old | Days: Monday-Thursday | 2-4 day option | $400 or $750 per month


Welcome to our After School Young Explorers Drop-Off Program, designed to provide a safe, engaging, and supportive environment for your child after regular school hours. Our program is carefully crafted to balance fun and learning, offering a variety of activities that cater to the diverse interests and needs of every child.

Kids will enjoy: Open play, Snack, Craft, Extra-Curricular Activity

Preschool Prep

WowMoms | 15-30 months

Details: Time: 9am - 12pm | Age: 15-30 months | 

Days: Monday-Friday | 3 or 5 day option | $600 or $875 per month

Welcome to our Preschool Prep Class, a wonderful journey of exploration and growth designed for young toddlers aged 15 to 30 months! As your little one takes their first steps into the world of education, WowMoms' curriculum focuses on fostering key developmental skills through play-based learning, social interaction, and hands-on activities.  We pride ourselves on using a dynamic blend of interactive activities, sensory experiences, and guided play that are carefully tailored to the developmental stages of young toddlers. 

Toddlers and Tumbles

Coach Leon (walker to 3 years old)

Details: Time: 10am - 11am | Age: 10-36 month | Days: Mondays

Classes:10 | Cost: $350 | Details: parent and me class | Includes: Open Play Day Pass


Tailored for energetic toddlers, at our Toddlers and Tumble class we focus on the joy of movement, coordination, and building fundamental motor skills in a safe and encouraging environment.

Parents will assist their children in the exploration of different types of movement, coordination exercises, and basic gymnastics drills and skills. Children navigate obstacle courses, jump on trampolines, and engage in playful activities. Open Play is included.

Mobility & Flexibility

MaryAnn (Adults)

This one-hour adult class is specifically designed to help make the joints more flexible by allowing them to reach their full range of motion. The first 30 mins of this class is designated as a full body mobility & flexibility flow. The following 20 mins is strength training to make sure you’re supporting that end range movement and the closing 10 mins is gentle but active stretch work.

Young child with arts and crafts

Pole Dance Class

MaryAnn (Adults)

Pole dancing is a full-body workout. It is a combination of resistance training and cardio, and also improves flexibility and coordination. Starting from the ground up, you will learn a series of beginner skill-based pole moves, dance and floor moves that will improve your coordination and fitness both aerobically and anaerobically. You will also learn how to incorporate these moves, which tighten and tone your body, into a choreographed pole routine set to music. All fitness levels are welcome, and no dance experience is required. This is a fun, artistic workout, which is the foundation for my pole classes. For those of you with previous pole fitness experience, we will learn more advanced and intermediate level spins, plus inversion work.

Child toy with beads

Pre & Post Natal Movement

5-8 years old - Special Needs

This specially designed MOM’S ONLY class will begin with light cardio and a stretch and strengthening circuit, allowing you to build muscles as you build flexibility. The class then focuses on diaphragmatic breathing and simple, but very effective, deep core exercises. To close the class, we will do a short meditation for body and stress awareness.

Gross Motor Skills for Children

Art Explorers!

Miss N | 12-36 months

Details: Time: 10am-11am | Day: Tuesday | Classes: 11 | Cost: $330 | Details: parent and me class | Includes: Open Play Day Pass


Welcome to Art Explorers - Where Creativity Knows No Bounds!

Unleash your child's inner artist in our captivating Art Explorers class, designed for curious minds aged 12 months and up. Watch as your little one's imagination comes to life through hands-on artistic adventures, self-expression, and the joy of discovering new ways to create.

Wow! We Fly

FlyNotes (0-48mo)

Details: Time: 1pm - 1:45pm | Age: 0-48 months |Days: Mondays | Classes:10 | Cost: $350 | Details: parent and me class | Includes: Open Play Day Pass


Welcome to our 45 minute parent and me music class with Krysta from Fly Notes! This class offers movement, music, seasonal, original and traditional folk songs which help you and your little one socialize, play and learn concepts together through music!

Ages 0-6 welcome. Clean instruments, learning materials and more are provided by FlyNotes.

Intro to Gymnastics

WowMoms | 3-6 years

Details: Time: 4pm-5pn |Tuesday | Classes: 11 | Cost: $330 | Details: Child Only | Includes: Open Play Day Pass


Welcome to our Intro to Gymnastics class—a thrilling journey into the world of balance, flexibility, strength, and artistic expression! Whether you're a beginner or have some experience, this class is designed to provide a solid foundation in gymnastics while fostering a love for movement and physical activity.

Details: Time: 4:30pm-5:15pm | Age: 1-3 years old | Days: Thursday (11) | Cost: $385 | Includes: Open Play Day Pass | Details: Parent and me class


This class was designed by a pediatric Speech Therapist & Occupational Therapist. This is a fun sensory experience for our little ones! This class is all about sensory play, encouraging language and creativity. We explore ALL the senses and even provide caregivers with helpful activities to do at home.

Sensory & Speech

ReImagined (1-3 years old)

Baby Ballet

Baby Ballet Long Island (walker-2.5yrs)

Details: Time: 10am-10:30am | Age: walker - 2.5yrs | Days: Friday (10) | Cost: $350 | Includes: open play


Mommy and Me: An Introduction to Ballet.

Through fun filled, ballet based exercises, imagery and a mixture of classical music and song , this 30 minute structured class will have your dancer pointing their toes, learning to plie and tip toe-ing out of the door.

It's a perfect introduction to dance and helps develop and instill physical and emotional confidence while learning a foundation in ballet.

Advanced Toddler Ballet

Baby Ballet Long Island (2.5-4 yrs)

Details: Time: 10:45-11:15am | Age: 2.5-4years old | Days: Friday (10) | Cost: $350 | Includes:  open play


Advanced Toddlers Ballet.

Now that your little one is older it's time to learn some of the ‘Grown Up’ stuff! On the list? Positions of the arms, positions of the feet, correct form, arabesque and attitude, pirouettes and sautes (jumps) to name a few. This is the best gift you can give your aspiring dancer as they will use their Baby Ballet Long Island training for the rest of their life. We teach it right, right from the start! Use of ballet terms in both English and French are also used. A caregiver is allowed to stay in the room to watch but is welcome to sit and relax at our cafe!

Mini Chefs

WowMoms (2-7 years old)

Details: Time: 4pm-5pm | Days: Wednesday (11) | Cost: $385 | Includes: cutting board, child safe knife, ingredients, weekly recipes, and 90 minutes of open play


Welcome to Mini Chefs: Where Little Hands Create Big Flavors!

Step into the world of culinary exploration with your budding chef in our delightful Mini Chefs class, tailored for enthusiastic children! Watch your child's creativity come to life as they don their mini aprons and embark on a journey of taste, texture, and kitchen magic.

Sing-Along Sprouts

Mr. Zach - 3-36 months

Details: Time: 10am-10:45am | Days: Wednesday | Classes: 11 | Details: Parent and me | Cost: $330 | Includes: Open Play Day Pass


Welcome to Sing-Along Sprouts, where the magic of music comes alive for your little ones! Our Toddler Music Class is specially crafted to introduce the joy of music to toddlers in a playful and interactive way. Led by WowMoms very own Mr. Zach - an experienced and enthusiastic instructor, this class is designed to nurture your child's love for rhythm, melody, and movement.

Sing & Sign

Ms. Toni (4-36 months)

Details: Time: 10am - 11:00am | Age: 4-36 months | Days: Thursday (11) | Cost: $385 | Details: Parent and me class | Includes: Open Play Day Pass


Sing and Sign: A Harmonious Journey of Communication and Connection!


Embark on a heartwarming musical adventure with your little one in our Sing and Sign class, a special Parent and Me experience designed to foster communication, strengthen bonds, and create lasting memories. Geared towards babies and toddlers aged 6 months and up, this class combines the magic of music with the power of sign language for an engaging and enriching experience.

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